Elif Shafaks tekst «The last taboo» skal verken leses eller publiseres før i 2114. Teksten ble overlevert til Framtidsbiblioteket ved ordfører Marianne Borgen i en sermoni i Framtidsbibliotekskogen i Nordmarka utenfor Oslo.
The award-winning novelist, public intellectual and political commentator Elif Shafak announced the title of her text The last taboo in a ceremony in Oslo today. A box with the text was handed over to artist Katie Paterson who handed it over to mayor of Oslo, Marianne Borgen. The text will be held in trust until 2114.
It’s been incredible moving for me to be part of this project, and I feel very honored, said Elif Shafak during the ceremony.
I think it is incredible important its happening at a time, when the world is going mad in many ways. Time and history is moving backwards. Countries doesn’t learn from their mistakes. They slide into egalitarianism, populism, nationalism and religious fanaticism. And essential, it is this tribalism that divides us into tribes and forces us into singular identities. So for me, the Future Library is an act of resistance. It is the way we swim against the tide. And I am very honored to be part of it, she continued.
Elif, your words have activated the future library. They are now stored inside the rings of this tiny unfolding trees. And these trees are like a bridge from here and into the future, artist Katie Paterson said in her speech.
Future Library is a public artwork by Scottish artist Katie Paterson that will unfold over 100 years in the city of Oslo, Norway.